If you prefer to pay by check here's our mailing info:
Racing Heart Farm
E7982 1200th Ave
Colfax, WI 54730
Small Share, $500
Large Share, $715
Please consider including a donation (in any amount) to the Share-A-Share program.
If you would like to pay for a Cheese Share via check, just include the cost of $120 in addition to your CSA payment... but please also fill out the Cheese Share Form.
E7982 1200th Ave
Colfax, WI 54730
Small Share, $500
Large Share, $715
Please consider including a donation (in any amount) to the Share-A-Share program.
If you would like to pay for a Cheese Share via check, just include the cost of $120 in addition to your CSA payment... but please also fill out the Cheese Share Form.